Saturday Session #1 Reaction Time Challenge Winner:
Curtis Zinzilieta with a .001!
Saturday Session #2 Reaction Time Challenge Winner:
Mike Gardner with a .003!
Saturday Session #3 Reaction Time Challenge Winner:
Don Toia with a .000! And Don Received the $50 from John Amstutz for being the first one with a .000 in this session!
Saturday Session #4 Reaction Time Challenge Winner: Tom Patterson with a .001! Tom also received the $50 from John Amstutz for being the best reaction time in this session!
The Top 5 Best Packages from the event are below!
1. Curtis Zinzilieta (.003 Package)
2. Daryl Nance (.010 Package)
3. Joe Kidd (.012 Package)
4. Martin Corella (.020 Package)
5. Mike O’Donnell (.021 Package)
Curtis also takes home $100 from PADR!!
Thank you for everyone who joined us for this event!